We all know we should be networking throughout our career, but that doesn't mean we're actually doing it. It takes time and a lot of energy, and it can be really hit-or-miss whether it's worth your while.
Which is why I'm so intrigued by the concept in Pamela Ryckman's book, Stiletto Network: Inside the Women's Power Circles That Are Changing the Face of Business.
Ryckman has discovered an alternative type of network that's not only effective but fun, where women come together to share ideas, exchange advice and even invest in new companies. She's found that small groups of women yield powerful results in business — creating billions of dollars in transactions, snagging corporate board seats and funding companies. All because they've built strong friendships with like-minded professionals who serve as sounding boards and cheerleaders to help them along the way.
LINKEDIN: How can busy professionals find time to network?
RYCKMAN: They key is to make it fun, so it doesn't feel like work.
When I began to unearth these groups across the nation, I learned that members never thought they were "networking" in the traditional sense. They thought they were having dinner with their girlfriends, having fun and helping each other.
They didn't arrive at the table with an angle, and they weren't trying to shake down other women for their connections. When they shared of themselves -- offering guidance, intel, or insight, or making introductions and recommendations -- they weren't putting a dollar in the relationship bank with the intention to withdraw it someday. Instead they were spending time listening to and advocating for treasured friends. So it wasn't hard to find time.
Stiletto Networks enable women to do what men have done since time immemorial: merge business and friendship, and capitalize on connections. Women are now doing deals not because of affirmative action or an altruistic intent to lift up the gender, but because it is smart business with people they know and trust. And in the process they're having so much fun!
LINKEDIN: What are the benefits of a networking group?
RYCKMAN: I talk about a lot of high-powered women in the book, but it’s important to remember they weren’t all wealthy or accomplished when they started these groups. They credit these groups with cheering them on, giving them courage, and facilitating their success. And they say that having the support and validation from other women – finding women who love you but also give you a kick in the pants when necessary – made all the difference.
What’s so refreshing is that in these groups, there’s no singular definition for success. Being a CEO isn’t necessary or right for all women. Stiletto Networks aren’t about getting to the next rung on the ladder; they’re about living your best life, feeling happy and whole and fulfilled. They encourage each woman to become the best version of herself.
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