Vin Diesel has made the Fast & Furious franchise into a cash cow for himself and everyone involved with making the action-packed movies. This weekend, he’s turned to reinventing the Riddick Chronicles series of flicks, with his latest blockbuster, Riddick. Will it be the latest Vin Diesel movie to be box office gold and hit number one?
For the famous action hero/convict Richard Riddick, life is anything but a bowl of cherries, as he has to face Necromongers, monster-sized scorpions, and two teams of bounty hunters who are after his head.
The series originated with Pitch Black (2000), then was followed by the sequel The Chronicles of Riddick (2004).
The third movie of the series, Riddick, has Richard Riddick stranded on an alien world. He’s been left there by the evil Necromongers, who believe that he must have perished. Riddick has to fight for his life in this exciting, violent-filled science fiction fantasy flick.
Diesel said that his “decades playing ‘Dungeons & Dragons’” and the fact that he is a fan of mythology drew him to the character of Richard Riddick and got him interested in playing the role.
According to Vin Diesel:
…the wonderful thing about ‘Riddick’ is that it’s a cult franchise at its heart.”
Besides starring in Riddick, Vin Diesel also produced it, unlike the first two movies in the series, whose writer/director has been David Twohy from the first film onward. He and Diesel have become friends over the years, and now, Diesel’s also a part owner of the franchise, so he has a lot of stake in making the movie a box office success.
Twohy has referred to their relationship by saying that they are like “co-conspirators.” he added that what he and Diesel did, resurrecting the series, felt to him “like the crime of the century.”
Vin Diesel realizes that the Riddick flicks haven’t been nearly as popular, so far, as the Fast & Furious movies. Pitch Black, for example, cost $23 million to make and its gross was 39.2 million. In contrast, The chronicles of Riddick cost more to make — #105 million — and it just managed to make $57 million.
The acting superstar has a lot riding on how well Riddick does at the box office — to finance the movie, Diesel mortgaged his own house.
I’m predicting that Riddick will be another box office hit for Vin Diesel. I doubt if it will earn nearly as much as the last Fast & Furious movie, but I think it will be number one this weekend at the box office.
Once Diesel makes enough money from his movies, he’s said ot Craig Ferguson on The Late, Late Show that he is thinking aobut making a movie about the life of the military leader, Hannibal.
Do you have plans to check the movie out? If so, please let me know if you’re excited to see it in the Comment section, and also tell me how you liked the flick once you’ve seen it.
Please check out the video trailer from Riddick below. to give you a taste of what the movie will be about!
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